Am too much busy these days to come up with new Blog Posts about the Stuff i've come across which is worth blogging about.
Will soon post the new stuff for you folks to your likings as I'll get finished with the website i'm working on these days.
Much is about the web development including: PHP/MySQL error handling (the errors encountered while the development of the site i'm currently working on), AJAX/Javascript libraries (lightbox; jQuery 1.4.2 latest by the time of this post Tuesday, July 06, 2010 12:45am GMT+5, Lahore, Pakistan Time; ..... etc.) , UI Design (User Interface - your CSS approach & grasp must have to very strong to save your own life from troubles, wastage of time and more importantly Web 2.0 compliance of the design & layout should Validate for XHTML/CSS. I suggest using Paper & Pencil extensively as much as you can before you actually start on something with keyboard & mouse. It's amongst the best practices. - Designing User Interface based on the Simple Flow Charting you finalize for the USER EXPERIENCE DEVELOPMENT on the website in question; But sometimes it's really hard & confusing as much as you get deeper, to keep track of the UI Design & UX Development in Sub-Levels, depending on how much unclear was your approach to things messing you up.), UX Development & Design (User eXperience - the very First thing to do after you finish up with gathering project requirements, creating a well documented Spec. Sheet detailing everything hierarchically, doing basic Flow Charting for the Web Application/Site 's Flow, getting a Website Design AND/OR prototype approved from the client, right in the order of execution. - Navigation is the core aspect of UX Development. Keep your whole site's navigation in view before you even think of UX Development. Navigation includes everything from a single Dot your output to User on your website to all the Media including: Live Streams, Video, Images, Audio, Plain text such as articles, descriptions or anything, ...etc. on a webpage. ), Creating Form Validation Classes for ease of use on virtually any website you will do in future, Developing websites Employing the Power of Ajax along with nicely degradable website structure as if there was no such thing as JAVASCRIPT in this very World : ) , Understanding why to use, how do the server-side AJAX/PHP Cross-Domain Proxy Files work and how to create them to make the cross-domain communication possible between 2 or more websites even with different Hyper Text protocols like HTTP & HTTPS through XMLHTTPRequest Object.
Other updates are about the New Ideas I gathered, from surfing different websites on the Internet. New Ideas include: "generating revenue" on the internet while you surf online, tweet on Twitter and for all "online activists", i would call them, who are keen to stay updated on new "online money making" platforms. And also about how to "Monetize" or maximize the income through the Ads displayed from sources other than just Google, through your Blogs, Forums, your Twitter Tweets and other generic traffic-attracting websites put-ups you personally did. New emerging playgrounds like Facebook for serious e-marketers, advertisers, sponsors, tweeters, etc.,eager to explore new horizons.
More about the recent Movies & Music stuff i came across after tailing Edward Maya for a while.
I will linkify the Purple Bolds pointing to the relevant blogposts/articles of my own as soon as i find more time.
. . . . . Thinking to get an Assistant for reminding me of What to Blog about next from time to time.
But you too, can help me out with this stuff. Just leave comments along with our email Id, for the posts you like/dislike on my blog and that way i'll be able to prioritize what to Blog about next. :D
Bye for now!
Ronnie Depp